Feb 9, 2024
A photo of a car battery being replaced and the text: Does Your Ford Need a New Car Battery?

When it comes to maintaining your Ford, the car battery is one component you can’t afford to ignore. Batteries power everything from your headlights to the engine itself, but like all parts, they have a lifespan. Fortunately, there are some clear signs you might need a new car battery from the Ford dealership.

Struggling Engine Start

The most common sign of a dying battery is difficulty starting the engine. When you turn the key or push the start button, if the engine cranks sluggishly before starting or takes longer than usual, your battery is likely losing its charge. This symptom is often more noticeable in cold weather when the battery has to work harder.

Dimming Headlights or Electrical Issues

Your car’s electrical system depends on a healthy battery. If you notice the headlights dimming, especially at idle or when the engine isn’t running, it’s a sign of a weak battery. Similarly, if electrical components like the dashboard lights, radio, or air conditioning are malfunctioning or not performing well, the battery could be the culprit.

Warning Lights

Most modern Fords are equipped with a battery warning light on the dashboard. It turns on when there’s an issue with the battery or charging system. Since this light can also indicate problems with the alternator or electrical system, it’s wise to get a professional diagnosis.

Swollen Battery Case

A visual inspection of the battery can reveal problems, too. If the battery case appears swollen or bloated, it’s a clear indication that the battery is degraded. A swollen battery is at risk of leaking or even exploding and should be replaced immediately.

Your Battery Is Too Old

Car batteries have a finite lifespan, typically three to five years. If your Ford’s battery is around this age, it’s wise to have it tested and possibly replaced, even if you haven’t noticed anything wrong with it. Battery age can sneak up on you, leading to failure at the most inconvenient times.

Corrosion and Leaks

Check the battery terminals for signs of corrosion: white buildup that can interfere with the battery’s ability to transmit power. Likewise, any signs of leaks or damage to the battery should prompt replacement to avoid damage to the vehicle’s electrical system.

Pick Up a New Car Battery at the Ford Dealership

If you recognize any of these signs, it’s probably time to visit your local dealer. Our technicians can test your battery and see whether it needs to be replaced. If it does, we’ll help you choose the correct battery for your car, install it, and even properly dispose of the old one.

Regular battery checks will keep your vehicle’s electrical system running properly. If you suspect your battery is nearing the end of its life, call Joe Mahan Ford in Paris, TN, and schedule a service appointment.

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